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????    自吸泵的主要工作部件有叶轮,叶轮上有一定数目的叶片(一般 ????6~12 片)。自吸泵的叶片是弯曲后向式的,叶轮固定在主轴上,由主轴带动旋转,将机械能传给水,水在叶轮中首先获得动能。叶轮外面是通常称为蜗壳的螺旋形压水室,蜗壳的作用一方面收集从叶轮甩出的水,另一方面使部分动能转变为压能,而后导向出水管。Self-priming pump with the impeller, the main working parts have a certain ????number of impeller blades (usually 6 ~ 12). Self-priming pump is after bending ????to the type of leaves, the impeller is fixed on the spindle, the spindle ????drive to rotate, the mechanical energy to the water, the water first obtain ????kinetic energy in the impeller. Outside of the impeller is often referred ????to as the spiral volute pressure water chamber, the role of the volute on ????the one hand to collect the water from the impeller, on the other hand can ????make part of the kinetic energy into pressure, and then guide the water pipe. The impeller is the heart of the vane pump, pump is the most important element of work. Impeller is made up of flat and in the middle of the blade self-priming pump impeller, the main working parts have a certain number of impeller blades (usually 6 ~ 12). Self-priming pump is after bending to the type of leaves, the impeller is fixed on the spindle, the spindle drive to rotate, the mechanical energy to the water, the water first obtain kinetic energy in the impeller. Outside of the impeller is often referred to as the spiral volute pressure water chamber, the role of the volute on the one hand to collect the water from the impeller, on the other hand can make part of the kinetic energy into pressure, and then guide the water pipe.
    叶轮是叶片泵的心脏部位,是泵最重要的工作元件。叶轮由盖板和中间的叶片组成 The impeller is the heart of the vane pump, pump is the most important element of work. The impeller is made up of flat and in the middle of the blade 自吸油泵
牙膏输送泵 G40-2V-W201单螺杆泵 山西阳煤丰喜肥业(集团)有限责任公司
灰膏输送泵 3GCLS110×2W21三螺杆泵 亿利资源集团有限公司
水煤浆输送泵 3GR110×4W21三螺杆泵 天津大沽化工股份有限公司
煤焦油输送泵 3GN110×4W21三螺杆泵 广西柳州化工控股有限公司
涂料输送泵 3GS160D×3W21三螺杆泵 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司
植物油输送泵 3GCLS160D×3W21三螺杆泵 建滔(河北)化工有限公司
棕榈油输送泵 3GS200D×3W21三螺杆泵 宜宾天原集团股份有限公司
豆瓣酱输送泵 SNH5300R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵 山东海龙股份有限公司
果酱输送泵 SNH660R46K2W2三螺杆泵头 山东潍焦集团有限公司
果汁输送泵 SNH660R46K2W2三螺杆泵头 河南天冠企业集团有限公司
糖浆输送泵 G135-2单螺杆泵 蓝星石化有限公司天津分公司
输送齿轮油泵 SNH660R46U12.1W2三螺杆泵头 浙江闰土控股集团有限公司
输送多元醇泵 SNH660R51U12.1W2三螺杆泵头 浙江海正集团有限公司
输送橄榄油泵 SNH80R36U12.1W21泵头 江苏新海石化有限公司
污油输送泵 SNH80R36U12.1W21三螺杆泵头 中国倍耐力轮胎有限公司
造纸黑液输送泵 SNH80R36衬套 广东南方碱业股份有限公司
输送变压器油泵 SNH940R42U12.1W21三螺杆泵船用 江苏飞翔化工股份有限公司
输送石蜡泵 SNH940R46E6.7W21三螺杆泵船检 江苏苏化集团有限公司
输送废油泵 SNS210R46U12.1W2泵头 江苏申久化纤有限公司
输送氨泵 SNS40R54U12.1W2三螺杆泵头带支架 四川省开元集团有限公司
输送沥青泵 SPF20R38G10W2三螺杆泵船用 瑞星集团有限公司
输送丙酮泵 SPF20R38G10W2三螺杆泵船用 四川宏达股份有限公司
输送重油泵 SMH80R46E6.7W23三螺杆泵 东营华泰化工集团
输送汽油泵 SMH120R42E6.7W23三螺杆泵头 新疆中泰化学股份有限公司
输送苯泵 KCB-300齿轮泵 青岛赛轮股份有限公司
重油输送泵 KCB-300齿轮泵 中化重庆涪陵化工有限公司

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