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螺杆泵使用维护说明Use the maintenance instructions
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① 启动前检查全部管路法兰、接头的密封性, 要求严密不漏。before the start of check all pipe flange, joint sealing, require not leak tight.
② 转动联轴器, 检查泵的转动是否灵活: 如有别劲或卡住等不良现象, 应拆泵排除。turn the coupling, check whether the pump rotation is flexible: unhealthy phenomenon, such as different strength or stuck,should tear open pump out.
③首次启动应向泵内注入输送液体, 保证各摩擦处有足够的润滑油。for the first time should start to infuse conveying liquid pump and guarantee the friction have enough oil.
④ 启动前应全开吸入和排出管路中所有的阀们, 严禁闭阀启动。before the start of all valve in the suction and discharge line should be fully open, it is strictly prohibited to start closing valve.
⑤上述准备工作完后, 可接通电源, 直接启动泵。 After the above preparation, can be connected to the power and start the pump directly.

⑥严禁空转运行。No idling operation.
① 如泵和电机的声音异常(或电流表指针迅速上升)应立即停车, 查出原因。as the voice of the pump and motor abnormalities (or ammeter pointer rapidly rising) should immediately stop, find out the reason.
② 出口压力不得超过泵的工作压力。discharge pressure shall not exceed the pump working pressure.
③安全阀在出厂前已调好, 不得随意调动。safety valve has been set, before they go out may not arbitrarily transfer.
④如管路系统发生故障, 使安全阀回流, 应立即停车排除故障。一般安全阀全回流时间不得超过三分钟。因时间过长泵内温度急剧升高, 严重影响泵的寿命, 甚至使泵“咬死”损坏。such as pipeline system failure, make the safety valve reflux, should immediately stop troubleshooting.General relief valve total reflux time shall not exceed 3 minutes.For a long time inside the pump temperature rise sharply, seriously affecting the life of the pump, even damage of pump "killed".
⑤轴封处点滴泄漏是正常现象, 如漏油量大于10毫升时, 应停车排除故障。of the shaft sealing drip leakage is a normal phenomenon, such as flow rate is more than 10 ml, should stop troubleshooting.
⑥如泵“咬死”应立即切断电源, 以防电机烧坏。such as pump "killed" shall be immediately cut off power supply, to prevent motor burn out.
螺杆泵绝不可关闭进、出口阀门停车。如果输送介质是燃料油, 停车后泵及管路应进行扫除, 特别是泵内各回油孔应彻底清扫, 以免堵塞影响泵的正常工作。
Screw pump can not close the valve at the inlet and outlet of the parking.If the medium is the fuel oil, after stopping pumps and piping should be clear, in particular, when the pump shall be completely clean the oil return hole, so as to avoid blocking the normal operation of the pump.
①存放泵的仓库应保持干燥, 通风良好, 以免发生锈蚀。 to the warehouse where the pump should be kept dry, well ventilated, lest produce rust.
② 如长期存放或保管不当, 泵已产生锈蚀, 应该拆开重新清洗。去掉氧化皮, 装配过程中零件表面涂上油, 以防锈蚀。such as long stored or improper safekeeping, pump has produce corrosion, should be apart to clean.Remove scale, in the process of assembly parts surface oil, in case of rust.
各种油类使用时注意事项Various oil matters needing attention when using
①输送(3-20〞E(36.2-148cst)的油类最合适, 允许按泵的最高工作压力使用。transport (3-20 "E (36.2-148 CST) oil is the most appropriate, permitted to use according to the maximum working pressure of pump.
② 输送3°E(36.2cst)以下的油类, 为保证泵的流量及寿命应降低压力使用。transport 3 ° E (below 36.2 CST) of oil, in order to ensure the pump flow and life should reduce the pressure to use.
③输送20°E(148cst)以上的油类, 且进油管是过长, 弯头过多, 泵工作时如产生噪音或振动现象, 则应考虑更换第一级转速的电机运转, 缩短吸入管道, 减少弯头。conveying 20 ° E (more than 148 CST) of oil, and the inlet pipe is too long, too much bend, such as noise or vibration phenomenon when the pump work, should consider to replace the first level speed of the motor running, shorten the suction pipe,reducing elbow.