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螺杆泵的安装说明Pump installation instructions
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① 泵的吸入, 排出管路的管径不得小于泵的进、出口口径, 管路力求简短, 减少不必要的损失(如弯头等)。泵的安装高度, 长度应保证泵工作时不超过允许的吸上真空高度。(1) of the pump suction and discharge line of the pipe diameter shall not be less than the inlet and outlet of pump diameter, pipe to short, reduce unnecessary losses (such as elbow, etc.).Pump installation height, length should guarantee the pump working shall not exceed the permitted on vacuum suction height.
② 管路应有管架, 泵不允许承受管路的负荷。安装前对吸入、排出管路要清理干净, 去掉铁锈等脏物, 特别是焊接管路的焊渣必须彻底清除, 以免进入泵后咬死。(2) the line pipe rack, pump are not allowed to bear load of pipeline.Before installation on the suction and discharge line to clean, remove rust and dirt, especially welding pipe welding slag must be thoroughly cleared, to avoid killed after entering the pump.
③吸入管路应设装过滤器, 其滤网为40-80目, 有效过滤器面积大于吸入口径的8-15倍。(3) suction pipe should be installed filters, the mesh is 40-80 mesh, the effective filter area is greater than the suction diameter of 8-15 times.
④螺杆泵进、出口处应连接真空表(或真空压力表)和压力表, 以便观察泵工作状态。(4) the pump inlet and outlet should be connected vacuum gauge or vacuum pressure gauge and pressure gauge, in order to observe the pump working status.
⑤如有两台以上的泵并联在同一管路上, 在泵出口处必须安装逆止阀, 保证泵的正常工作。5. If you have more than two pumps in parallel in the same way, must be installed at pump outlet check valve, to ensure the normal operation of the pump.
⑥安装泵的位置应宽畅, 方便检修。将机组放在地脚螺栓的基础上, 找正后拧紧地脚螺栓。6. The location of the installation of pump should be enlarged, convenient maintenance.Unit on the basis of the anchor bolt, after looking for is tighten the anchor bolts.
⑦在接好管路及确定电机转向后接联轴器, 联轴器外圆同心度允差为0.1毫米, 两联轴器端面间隙允差为2毫米。
7 after good pick up line and to determine the motor coupling, coupling cylindrical concentricity tolerance is 0.1 mm, two coupling end clearance tolerance of 2 mm.
⑧ 机组运转3-4小时后作最后检查, 如无不良现象, 则认为安装合格。Sets operate after 3-4 hours today for final inspection, if there is no negative phenomenon, is considered qualified installation.
⑨ 保温泵在泵进口方向的背面分别接有管阀1、2。泵启动前阀1和阀2应完全打开,通入保温用的汽(液)后,并达到规定的保温温度时方能开启泵机组。若工作正常不需供保温的汽(液)时,可关闭阀1,注意排气阀2不能关闭。
⑩与泵联接的进出口管道,法兰一定要清洁,严禁杂质、焊渣残留管内。Pet-name ruby heat pump on the back of the pump inlet direction with the pipe valves 1, 2, respectively.Before starting the pump valve 1 and 2 should be fully open, after going into the insulation with steam (liquid), and meet the heat preservation temperature, in order to open the pump unit.If work does not need for insulation of steam (liquid), close the valve 1, pay attention to the exhaust valve 2 cannot be closed.Attending to the import and export of pump connection pipes, flanges must be clean, impurity, welding slag residual tube shall be strictly prohibited.