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    Single screw pump on process design should pay attention to the problemContinuous supply of liquid mediumSingle screw pump Wells in oil production in its production status is not very stable, in a period of time may be high gas content, and the other high liquid content over a period of time, so in the use of single screw pump for oil and gas are mixed to lose, in order to prevent the pump in the process of conveying liquid and gas, mixture, fluid flow, a period of time due to the stator because of the heat generated by the friction makes the temperature rise of stator rubber, rubber aging, reduce the service life of the stator, medium in the crude oil is used as far as possible when it enters the single screw pump cavity liquid and the gas mixing, ensure the liquid medium for the continuous supply of the pump.
   A, start the multi-port oil Wells in oil field blocks at the same time, let the well of oil and gas complement each other, make into the medium of the single screw pump as far as possible even.
   B, single screw pump before adding buffer tank in pipeline, the buffering can store a certain amount of crude oil, and a current limiting device for mixture pumps supply a certain amount of crude oil.So no matter how well air content changes, can guarantee the lowest into liquid rate, make the mixture pumps can work normally.Adding a current limiting device in the pipeline on the road, the traffic should be 1/20 of the mixture pumps flow metering pump, with a single screw pump effect will be better, use control start-stop time should be at the same time.
    C, pump pipe after add back into the tank, the tank with current limiting device reverse back part of the liquid mixture pumps entrance, guarantee to pump oil and gas into liquid rate, make the mixture pumps can work normally.Current limiting device available throttle control flow, also can use single screw pump flow control.This scheme for return part of the liquid, will reduce the efficiency of system.

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