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●SM三螺杆泵订货应提供数据: 1.介质的工作温度
The operating temperature of the medium 2.工作温度下介质的粘度Working
temperature medium viscosity 3.螺杆泵进出口压力Import and export
of screw pump pressure
4.泵的工作流量The work flow of pump 5.泵的安装方式Installation
of pump 6.配套要求The necessary demand on the
●SM三螺杆泵选泵要点: 1.首先应根据油品的粘度选择适当的泵转速,以保证泵NPSHr能满足用户的实际吸入条件.The
first select the appropriate pump speed should be based on the viscosity of
the oil, to ensure the pump NPSHr can satisfy the user's actual suction conditions. 2.介质粘度大于760cst时,请与我公司联系,我厂帮助用户选泵.The
medium viscosity is larger than 760 CST, please contact our company, our factory
to help users choose the pump. 3.从性能表中选定泵的规格及相应粘度下的压力,流量后,可以查到泵的轴功率,根据轴功率选定配套电机功率.Selected
from a performance table of the specifications of the pump and the corresponding
viscosity under pressure, flow, can check the pump shaft power, according to
the selected shaft power motor power.